
I was enchanted to meet you...

Pottery Goodness

I Am Officially Malaysia's Biggest Harry Potter Fan!

See what happened was there was this contest by YuberActive and in conjunction with the opening of the Last Harry Potter film, they decided to have a video contest!

Well, the prizes really did catch my fancy (being film merchandise and all), but what i really wanted was to be at the Premiere! I just had to! It was the last one!

So i just filmed my video with "my collection" got ppl to vote (and seeing as they had 20 spots for the finalist, but with only 13 participants), I managed to get through to the next round.

I met lost of other Potter fanatics at the event, and it was really cool and all. Honestly, i didn't expect to win at all, But I Did!! LOL!

Yes, I was quite the celebrity. Bring interviewed and all.

So as my prize, I won a special private screening of the movie! the whole hall to myself! but there's a catch.... it's at some out-of-the-way place called kepong, and its a 10am show.... yeah... super right? oh well... it would have been too good to be true.

Well, at least i get to be on the newspaper...

my winning videos

at least no one in Malaysia can beat my collection....