Just thought I'd dedicate a special post to my chilean friends that meant so much to me, during my time in Vermont. They were the most lovable bunch you could ever meet! I miss them so much!
In no particular order:
My unofficial brother/father!
He saved me in times of difficulty. He is a gift from God!
My roommate and also Mario's girlfriend.
They are like my mother/father figure!
Made me go see a doctor when i was sick.
Used to go on shopping trips with them in their car.
Muchas Gracias!
My partner since day one!
My personal health guru, baker/cook extraordinarie and fellow cheapo!
All the countless shopping trips and bargain hunts.
Enthusiast to the max! I miss this girl! and working with her is always satisfying.
Fellow TaylorSwifty!
And also puppy lover!
All those times we would sing to Taylor's Fifteen while waiting on transport.
Soledad and Daniela!
They were the last 2 chileans with me to the end.
We went to NYC together! Without them, I probably wouldn't have gone anywhere.
Christmas with the gang!
So many other to mention : Connie, Nacho, Felipe, Felix, 2 Cristian, Mariana, Elvio, Gerado, and all the south africans, and those i forgot to mention.
All of them made my time memorable.